Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sitting Ontop of the World

I'm uncertain about finances as I said in my last post, however right now I am sitting on top of the world and temporally and spiritually blessed. My life is amazing and I just need to learn to clean the windows to see life and open the door more often for the fresh breath of air and the blessings and spirit to come in and bless my life and the life of others. I was under the weather and physically, mentally, and spiritually drained today and yet I was given a Heavenly lift when I needed it the most as I sit in and participate with the missionaries Elder and Sister Leavitt as the teach moma Rose and Makeya the lessons as they prepare for baptism- the room is filled greatly. These two are such blessing in my life and moma Rose and Makeya are family out here and help me so much over the last year and half. I had the privilege and honor to be a servant to a few different friends today. I am on such a Spiritual high where I'm in between planes fully energized beyond belief. The veil is thin as always has been with me and I'm be blessed on both sides of the veil. I feel like I'm not me in my body but a strong light and energy source and I'm watching myself on the sidelines. I know I'm crazy, lol, however the way I fully feel is beyond words can describe on this temporal plane. For I have had many personal and out of body experiences in my life as my spirit travels to a spiritual plane where I've received personal revelation and walked the streets of heaven. For my life has always been spiritually unique but today is like no other I'm full of agape love, everlasting light, and I have been made into a pillar of strength. I can do all things in Christ. I blessed by this unexplainable blanket of the spirit.

 I know the path to Zion, I belong to a wonderful ward and stake, I'm blessed my by bishop, and bishopric, the stake presidency and all the wonderful members of my ward, relief society, and the wonderful priesthood holders in my life who bless me continually by their faith love and compassion and willingness to serve. And major blessing in my life is Mitch Mayne whose faith, service, and willing to do what he knows is right- to serve the LGBT Mormons and LGBT community and Bridge the gap between them and the church and this ally is proud to serve with him. Its wonderful to experience a more deeper connection with the spirit as I will be giving the talk on the Gift of the Holy Ghost at my friends baptism. My journey has been great as a minister at witness of the wonders of God and life. The temple and the covenants I made within are a beacon of light empowerment and everlasting love. I keep eyes and heart pointed as a compass to blessing and peace of the temple and wonders within as a chance to leave this temporal world if only for a moment and experience the blessing on both sides of the veil and all things can be fixed in the temple. The world is not my oyster its my gift as a witness to the work and the glory of the kingdom of heaven.

Brian Beckstead thank you for the wonderful gift you gave to the world when you wrote the novel Stallion Warriors with love and testimony and witness God gives you in the healing of life from the hurt and anger in the original manuscript for that book was and is the pinnacle of hope love compassion and forgiveness and forever changed my life and those I have shared with and really brought eternal focus and perspective both temporally and spiritually in my life when it was needed most when I was lost in the darkness. For you, Brian, whether a member of the church or not are really a special guardian angel sent here for the purpose of showing us what true love and servitude. Mitch also is one of those special angels sent here to be themselves and touch the world undauntedly.

I am a witness to the wonders and blessings of Gods love regardless what religion you belong to God love EVERYONE EQUALLY with an agape (unconditional) love. Whether you are gay or straight, or part of the large umbrella of labels LGBTHQQIAA (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender heteroflexible queer questioning intersex asexual ally). Which are only labels and does not matter to God because we are ALL people and his children. We chose the life we live before coming to this earth and Everyone is meant to love regardless gay or straight. I believe in human equality. I sustain my prophet and priesthood leaders I believe in the doctrine, covenants and principles that were the foundation of the church however I can't go blindly and follow all policy's when it discriminates against my earthly and spiritual brothers and sisters for the bible says the greatest commandment and was given by Christ himself love the Lord thy God and love thy neighbor as thyself. I support HUMAN EQUALITY and I take a Stand as a Mormon woman against bullying and persecution of our brothers and sisters- I pray this church begins to reach out especially to our youth because too many precious souls that have so much potential and is our future is taking their lives because we persecute them as the mobs persecuted the saints in the beginning. I pray we take a stand and not be the cause of our own religious war and repeating history but this time against our own. How can we be a witness in the Work and the Glory when we deny Gods children Christs light as we push them away from us as if they were lepers. The LGBTHQQIAA community is made up of our children parents brothers and sister grandparents, and friends. I love writing especially when the spirit takes over on what was to be a simple post, a new blog is going up tonight ill provide the link when its done. The title is "The Road to Zion- My incredible journey and witness"

So I will try to keep these long posts to the blog especially since the spirit took over on my phone as I type this before getting my computer out. If you are friends family and colleagues and whoever is on my Facebook is a blessing in my life and everyone of you is a blessed and precious soul who is very valuable and regardless of religion or lack of Heavenly Father, our brother Jesus Christ, the souls that have passed through the veil and those yet to come to this temporal world love you and support you as the very person you are because again your precious life and journey was foreordain in the preexistence as you covenanted with your Father to live the life you choose for you in love, respect, compassion, and equality. The plan of life of happiness was not to hate or exclude, be prejudice and in doing so closes the windows of blessings from heaven and you can not truly be a full witness of the Savior until you follow his example of love compassion and equality of all people. I close with this as tears fill my eyes as I've been blessed and honored with the privilege that the Spirit allow me to share my heart with you-- live true to yourself, celebrate life, and be a beacon of strength light and love to all people, for we are hands arms bodies of Christ leave anger behind you show love, because even one person can change the world one person at a time, where we have the potential to light the world as you help relight others flames in and outside the church. I testify as a special witness of the agape love that our Savior and Heavenly Father have for everyone of children, I testify that when first take care of ourselves at the home front first, we have know need to worry about others and how you think they should live. I have a testimony that the plan of Happiness includes human equality, I witness to you in love for everyone, and I know the scriptures are true road maps of the Saviors love to guide you in your personal journey and agency. I testify that all and any love between people is the most sacred gift of all is meant to be shared with all people as a gift to one another and to Heavenly Father both temporally and spiritually for intimate, physical, and spiritual love is meant for ALL. I humbly say these things in the name of the beloved Savior Jesus Christ.

I am an open book if anyone has questions for me about my life church or anything just ask and I will answer truthfully.