Saturday, June 30, 2012

temple: Being busy

In our busy lives we tend to forget what is truly important.  We have been commission in the Great work and the Glory of Heavenly Father to take upon us sacred callings, covenants, and commitments. We are called to love one another, love our family, serve on another and consecrate our time and talents for the kingdom building.  I encourage you to set aside some time this week  to go to the temple with your spouses and loved ones, take a time for reflection in the sacred house of God, remove yourself from the distractions of the temporal world. The mountain of the Lord awaits for all to rejoice in the work to be done within its walls.  There is no greater sacred calling than the work we do for our ancestors.  Every time you go to the temple with your spouse treat it as a renewal of you vows, and a mini honeymoon away from life's busyness.  If you have kids of age go to the temple as a family and do baptisms.

Marriage in the Temple of Love

Marriage in the Temple of Love is series of books on temple blessings I a writing and need to get back to writing


     There is the famous song “Going to the Chapel,” however I love changing that refrain to “going to the temple and we’re going to get married…. Married in the temple of love.
     When we go to temple, we do not go out of obligation or because it is expected of us to go, we go because of Love. In order to enter the temple, you must be found worthy to enter and that worthiness comes from a love of our Heavenly Father, the church, love of ourselves to uphold the teachings of the church, and a love of those who have passed beyond the veil. However, the love runs deeper and richer than that which can be imagine for the love shared between two people who take the most sacred commitment in life; eternal marriage in the temple cannot be described in mortal or temporal words. For when a couple is sealed in the temple, they create a bond  that by temporal means cannot be broken. Every time a couple returns together to the temple, they have the opportunity to renew their vows, celebrate their lives together, and build upon the foundation of their marriage fortifying themselves in the love that first brought them to be sealed.
     As Saints we are given the remarkable gift of not one, not two honeymoons in our lives, but a mini honeymoon every time we allow ourselves to fall in love with one another again and again within the walls of love. Husbands have an obligation to take their wives to the temple as often as possible in order to polish the jewel and treasure that has been entrusted to them for time and eternity. When you allow your lives to get too busy and chaotic to attend the temple then you make a subconscious statement to your marriage stating that you don’t need Heavenly Father’s fortifying and protection of the marriage. When you go to the temple as a couple, it’s the time and opportunity for the marriages maintenance check and tune up. When married in the temple we are married for TIME and Eternity.

May you be blessed and enriched in the Spirit of Love