Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Heavenly Mother

I have been impressed upon quite often as of late to write about our Heavenly Parents. We often talk of Heavenly Father, our brother Jesus Christ who is the First Born, but what about our Mother. We know that through the atonement and modern revelation, while there is no reference in the standard works (canon) of the LDS church nor in other non LDS denominations, there is a Heavenly Mother. However even before I joined the LDS church i was always impressed upon, even as a kid, there was a Heavenly Mother who was a nurturing, empowered, loving mother who despite the destruction we cause in our temporal lives, works to keep balance in the family, unites one another when disasters hit and helps us find love, compassion, joy, endurance, gladness in the seasons of love and helps nurture us in the changes in our lives.

The world has known her since infancy as Mother Nature, but I know her as my nurturing Heavenly Mother. many people over the centuries and millenniums have attributed Mother Nature as a mythical idea or person such as the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, Jack Frost, tree sprites, elves, fairies and dragons; and yet Mother Nature or Heavenly Mother is a very real and much alive person. While be blame Mother nature quite often for natural disasters, storms, losses to disasters, global warming, heat, cold and much more, we also thank her for sunsets and sunrises, winter blanketed landscapes, tropical paradises, the budding rose, the gift of life at the changing of seasons and creation in partnership with Heavenly Father. I am often reminded of Heavenly Mother in the song "For the Beauty of the Earth."

Heavenly Mother is the one that brings the bonds of family closer, and helps families find empowerment, love, compassion, and endurance. She is the living example of a Latter-day Saint woman who should be serving with their husbands as helpmeets, or any man for that matter in their lives along side of one another. 

Our Celestial Parents are the pattern we are to follow in our lives and without an example of a family structure how can we be expected as Latter-day women to raise a family being the bond and glue as we strive to return home not only to the Church of the First Born in humble worship and exaltation in ourselves but return to be kings and queens, priests and priestesses, gods and goddesses as children and heirs to the Kingdom from our Heavenly Father and Mother who ARE the Celestial King and Queen, the High Priest and Priestess, and THE God and THE Goddess. Just as Christ our brother who is the Crowned Prince and as is His birthright descending from the royal lineage both celestial and temporal starting with Adam. Adam, as we know to be Michael and co-creator of this world and other worlds alongside of Christ, who was the first king of this temporal world while without title or the need of nobility but Adam also served as the first Priest and Prophet in this temporal world given the authority by Peter, James, and John.

When Christ consulted with his Father in the Great Temple called Heaven or the Holy of Holies in Celestial Glory during the pre-existence and after the Great Council when earth was formed about it is not good for man to be alone? I believe Heavenly Mother was present among Her Husband and Son and as Heavenly Father asked Christ that question I can imagine and picture Heavenly Father giving His Wife a special wink but more likely walked over to Her in embrace with respect, love, humility, admiration and his agape love as he stared into her eyes in front of Their Son letting it be a witness that women (female spirit) are the foundation to the home and are essential to life, creation, and the ability to love.  It is by this example I also believe Christ was married himself and hand children, where a good 18 years of his life is untold and he would have had to follow His and our Heavenly Parents example of marriage as when He began His ministry he had to be a living example, testimony and witness to His own life and the divinity of life. I like to think Christ was raised by a queen because he treated ALL women with respect and like a princess.

Even in natural or personal disasters I think Heavenly Mother, while keeping beauty and renewal upon the earth, regardless if Saints or not, allows people to experience such things as they come together and forget their differences to help one another in compassion as they rebuild a community nurturing one another. As Saints we have Mormon Helping Hands travel worldwide and are on scene to help out in a nurturing and compassionate way.

Fathers are suppose to be the chastiser when we need it and also a place of safety, mothers are suppose to be the nurturing one and place the band aid upon, and the older sibling such as Christ to be and set the example for their siblings. While Heavenly Mother has her roles in the work and the glory of the Kingdom and in our lives, She supports her Husband and Son as they help build, shapens and strengthen our lives through the power and gift of the Holy Spirit.

As Latter-day Women we are the mothers of the church whether we have our own family or not we are to be the nurtures and compassionate women under the mantle of service, love and hospitality to all people member and non member alike and be the foundation of the world and church as man is nothing without us nor are we anything without them.

The motto of the Relief Society is, "Charity Never Faileth" and was set up to reach out to the needs of those who were the sick and the afflicted or in need of love, provide for the needs, hospitality, or service as helpmeets to take the some of burden from the Priesthood and equally bear the yoke of serving one another

While we do not pray to Heavenly Mother personally as Latter-day Saints, when we address Heavenly Father we address the whole Holy Family in the name of our brother Jesus Christ because of the Atonement.

It is my prayer and blessing we live as sisters in Zion by following our Heavenly Parents example and let our light shine brightly as a witness to our testimonies and of the truthfulness of the gospel through our baptism, temple, and celestial covenants (made in the pre-existence as the roles we play in this temporal state) and be diligent as we serve along side our priesthood holders and leaders supporting them and empowering them as we empower ourselves in Heavenly Mother's example.

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