Wednesday, July 18, 2012


My life is ever being enriched since i found this group and Mormon Women: Who We Are and LDS Women for Faith and Family

So last night i was tired and after taking my sleeping pill and them starting to kick (if i dont take them I am either an insomniac or toss and turn all night) I was deeply impressed upon to read my new scriptures- my sword of of truth and iron rod. I did not know what to read so i silently asked Heavenly Father to give me what I needed. So i let the scriptures of my new quad to fall open to where Heavenly Father wanted it to somewhere in 2 Nephi. When i finished reading the the chapters passage, i could not tell you what chapter or what it was about last night it was something something about Jews and gentiles coming together. However the deep spiritual revelation and inspiration that came to me had nothing to do with what was read but because of the obedience to read from this sacred gift from sisters in Zion that I just received that day. The impression and deep spiritual revelation came to me: 1) I need to be having the Ensign coming to my house every month even if I have to ask people to help with the subscription and 2) in the most overlooked part of my life and in my Patriarchal Blessing as one I don't pull it out as often as I should and in 7 years of having my blessing this one simple and profound piece of blessing compared to all else remained forgotten, while I don't remember it word for word from the blessing itself or i don't think i do the blessing I was prompted with was this.

"You are blessed and encourage to learn the proper way or manner of the true order of prayer."

This is profound as one I don't pray as often as I should even though I know how to turn my will over to Heavenly Father and I have learned to ask in faith when needed something. But the true order of Prayer is taught to us in the temple and I can speak for myself only, however impressed upon me that we often as sisters tend to forget the true order of prayer and follow not only in asking Heavenly Father for something whether strength, hope, financial or what ever it may be. We tend to forget our troops our leaders, are true and humbled thank yous for the blessings in our life and as in the movie "Pollyanna" which I watched on BYU yesterday we forget to play the Glad Game where even when we are feeling down, depressed, irritated that things aren't going the way we expected, or we dont know what to do next as we feel loss, there is always something we can feel glad about- Like example from movie Mondays I don't like Monday, well you can be glad that you only have to deal with mondays once a week.

These scriptures are a very powerful gift and again I thank you and so were the garments and it really humbled me. As they are a blessing of indescribable words for this servant whose income doesn't afford what is often sacred and overlooked gifts in our lives scriptures, garments, modest clothes which can be hard to find outside of Utah lol, at least my faith and testimony as a convert to the church i dont pay a dime for but by giving my heart and service to the Kingdom. my greatest joys in the church is teaching Family History as the church has given me that calling ever sincew i joined the church with out ever doing it before, and served two service missions in FH at both BYU and Salt Lake. And the temple, nothing brings me greater joy than talking about the temple. I teach Sunday School in Family History and Temple Retention in a curriculum I developed over the almost 8 years of being a member to engage members who have been to the temple tom keep going and help them realizes the work that is being down in your life as work is being done on both sides of the veil.

But regardless thank you all for everything

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